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Did You…

Sep 2009

Did You…
2009 | Directed by Chris Record/Corbin Record

Did You… is the story of a day in the life of a high school student who seems to have everything going for him. But is everything as it seems?

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Sep 2009

2009 | Directed by Sara'o Bery

John is the heart-rending tale of a budding infatuation that leads to a heady and emotional high school hookup that tumbles forth into a tragic and painful rejection. A young boy comes of age and finds love and companionship in an unexpected place.

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White Elephants

Sep 2009

2008 | Directed by Chris Portal

White Elephants is a sensitive, slice-of-life story involving a young couple going through the normal course of their day, while coming to terms with an unexpected medical diagnosis. The film is a reflection on the unfortunate hardships that can befall any couple, the decisions we are sometimes forced to make, and the ability to support one another as best as one knows how.