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Ryan Sheehy's film Pen Island screens in the 2020 Online New England Film Festival

8 Oct , 2020   Posted by: talks with Ryan Sheehy about their film Pen Island, which screens in the 2020 Online New England Film Festival.


We caught up with filmmaker Ryan Sheehy about his latest film Pen Island which premieres at the 2020 Online New England Film Festival. When did you know you wanted to become a filmmaker?

Ryan Sheehy: I was young and self taught. I learned filmmaking with VHS cameras and shooting films with my cousins and neighbors. Eventually, I did go to a 2 year film program, graduated, and continued my film career. I mostly worked with commissioned client projects for the last 7 years and have newly dived into my original passion of narrative filmmaking. What inspired you to make your film?

Sheehy: The film was inspired by unassuming loneliness. Even people with busy lives that are surrounded by people can still be lonely. I’ve always tried to use humor to deal with my own problems. So my hopes with Pen Island is that other people can feel less alone by relating to someone with the same problem. How did you find your cast and crew for this film?

Sheehy: All my friends helped me make this film. I can’t thank them all enough for lending their talents and time to this project. What do you hope people take away from watching your film? 

Sheehy: Pen Island makes a statement about mental health, and how talking to people and being open about how you feel is very important. I believe that your mental health needs just as much care and keeping as your physical; I hope people take that idea away from watching my film. What other projects are you working on?

Sheehy: I have a feature I’m writing inspired by my home town, as well as a documentary that I’m developing for streaming services. I can’t say much but I’m looking forward to the next year of creating! Any advice on making films you want to share?

Sheehy: Just do it. Don’t wait for the money, be selective with your actors but don’t worry about celebrities, and just send into festivals using film freeway. Get your work out there. You’ll never become a better filmmaker if you don’t constantly make films. Anything else you want to share that might be of interest to our readers?

Sheehy: Look out for more originals coming from Sheehy.TV


Pen Island screens at the 2020 Online New England Film Festival at