Crest Of The Hill

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As his Alzheimer’s progresses, Greg O’Brien prepares to sell his family home.

Film Details

Director: Amanda Kowalski and Samantha Broun

Year of Release: 2015

Running Time: 02:42

New England Connection: Both filmmakers live in New England. And the piece takes place on Cape Cod.

Director(s) Bio:: Amanda Kowalski is a photographer and filmmaker who specializes in documentary style imagery and short, narrative films.

Samantha Broun is a radio and multimedia producer and the Managing Editor for Transom. She works with Atlantic Public Media on all projects including the Transom Workshops.

In 2010 co-founded SoundLight Media through which they collaborate on short films like this one.

Number of shooting days: 2

Editing software: Adobe Premiere

Financed by: Other

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