Six Six Six

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A man with no name awakes bewildered in the middle of the high desert, only to discover he has been a key player in a gruesome shoot out.

Film Details

Director: Jeff Griecci

Writer: Jeff Griecci

Year of Release: 2013

Running Time: 2

New England Connection: Writer/Director Jeff Griecci was born and raised in Massachusetts. Moving on to the great state of Maine to pursue a degree in film and video production, where he met singer/songwriter Jesse Pilgrim, a Maine native. Together, the two merged there respective artistic disciplines to create the music video Six Six Six, shot and produced in the high deserts of Oregon in the Pacific North West.

Director(s) Bio:: Jeff Griecci, hailing from Cape Cod Massachusetts, is the founding member of Mint Films, a film and video production outfit rooted in Maine, now based in the Pacific North West. Currently in post production of his first feature length documentary, Jeff has also produced commercial projects, music videos, and short narrative fiction films. He also enjoys a proper slice of pizza.

Number of shooting days: 2

Camera Used: Sony F5

Editing software: FCP 7

Budget: 5000

Financed by: Self-financed