Murder in Mobile

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In 1948, in Mobile, Alabama, a black man named Rayfield Davis is beaten to death by a white man who is not prosecuted. The crime is forgotten until 2012, when the investigation is revived by a Northeastern law student. Her discoveries lead to a shocking conclusion.

Film Details

Director: Adam Fischer

Year of Release: 2019

Running Time: 23:35

New England Connection: Northeastern University

Director(s) Bio:: I spent twelve years travelling the world, producing and directing a variety of shows and documentaries for television.

In 2017, I relocated to Boston, specifically Northeastern University, for the opportunity to concentrate purely on documentary storytelling and shining a global spotlight on topics that deserve and demand our attention.

Number of shooting days: 10

Camera Used: Canon C200, 2nd camera we used was a Sony A7 sii

Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro

Budget: n/a