Canary Red

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Eileen is a meditation teacher, author, and psychologist. At age 82 she takes on a new identity: a “canary in a coal mine” for a society rapidly disconnecting from nature. After toxic exposure in a senior living community, Eileen has developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, an illness causing a severe allergy to all synthetic chemicals and fragrance. In this experimental documentary shot on the organic farm where she seeks refuge, Eileen shares her story. But is it an illness of one woman, or the aching of a planet?

Film Details

Director: Carrie Cullen

Year of Release: 2019

Running Time: 12:04

New England Connection: This film was conceptualized and created in New England, as the director’s senior BFA thesis project at Emerson College in Boston.

Director(s) Bio:: Carrie Cullen is a visual storyteller and environmental activist. After years spent dreaming of filmmaking, Carrie graduated from Emerson College in 2019 with a BFA in Visual Media Arts and Environmental Studies. Her experience is in short and feature documentary production and digital non-profit communications. Today she is a freelance editor and facilitates advocacy workshops on college campuses.

Number of shooting days: 90

Camera Used: Cannon C-100

Editing software: Adobe Premiere

Budget: $500

Financed by: Grants/Scholarships