Road Kill

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This film is in part auto biographical to the director. It is also inspired by Native American’s
respect for animal life. The film was shot with the intention of grasping a somewhat timeless
theme, a boy and his bicycle. And over this theme was to be played more contemporary themes
facing Americans and the worlds mental and physical challenges. Symbolism plays a large part
of the film, i.e.: the boy is always bicycling away from us. Is he leaving this world behind? The
film was written and edited to leave a lasting impression by not finding closure at the end. Is it
the voice of memory, or an old soul departing.

Film Details

Director: Josh Outerbridge

Writer: Josh Outerbridge

Year of Release: 2017

Running Time: 4min 30sec

New England Connection: Josh Outerbridge has lived in Maine since he was five. He currently lives in the Mid Coast with his family.

Director(s) Bio:: Josh Outerbridge as produced and directed 3 short films, Road Kill being his latest. His previous two are on youtube under 'The Dung Beetle Express'. Josh has worked as a Production Designer, Art Director and Set Decorator on other feature films that have been in major theaters and major festivals. He has also worked in television for shows and advertisements.

Number of shooting days: 8

Camera Used: I-phone 5

Editing software: i-movie10.1.2

Financed by: Self-financed