Dare to Be Remarkable

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A disabled philanthropist fights against a deadly disease that was predicted to take her life at eighteen months. Now one of the oldest survivors of the condition, she works toward a cure with her organization, Working on Walking.

Film Details

Director: Justin Andrews and Andrew Drachman

Writer: Roy Power

Year of Release: 2016

Running Time: 43m

New England Connection: Alyssa Silva, the star of the documentary, was born in raised in Cumberland, RI. The film was produced by Animus Studios, a video production studio right outside of Providence, RI. It premiered at the Rhode Island International Film Festival in 2016, where it won the award for Best Humanitarian Film.

Number of shooting days: 30

Camera Used: Canon C100, RED Epic Dragon

Editing software: Premiere Pro

Budget: $25,000

Financed by: Production Company

For more information: http://workingonwalking.org/




Film Trailer: