The Epitaph of Marwa Stein

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A woman’s life, as told after her death.

Film Details

Director: Rachel Friedman

Writer: Rachel Friedman

Year of Release: 2018

Running Time: 7 minutes 25 seconds

New England Connection: Most of the film was shot in and around Middlebury, VT.

Director(s) Bio:: Rachel Friedman is a writer/actor/director based out of Los Angeles, California. She graduated from Middlebury College in February 2019 with a degree in Film & Media Culture.

Number of shooting days: 14

Camera Used: Sony FS5

Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro

Budget: $500

Financed by: Other

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The Epitaph of Marwa Stein won the 2020 Jury Runner-up Prize for the Online New England Film Festival.