Mrs. Osbourne

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The story of a young widow in England in the early 1800’s who faces a trying encounter when she visits her best friend’s country home, when she is pitted against the audacity of her friend’s wealthy older brother. Starring René Zara (Namaste, Letter of Truth), John Joseph Marshall (Project Olympus, Martin Eden), and Killarney Traynor (The Dinner Party).

Film Details

Director: Gregory Bergeron

Writer: René Zara

Year of Release: 2020

Running Time: 00:08:13

New England Connection: All New England filmmakers including crew and cast.
Gregory Bergeron (Director) - MA
René Zara (Writer, co-Producer, actor, composer) - MA
Sid Levin (Director of Cinematography) - MA
Christine Altan (co-producer) - NH
John Joseph Marshall (actor) - VT
Killarney Traynor (actor) - NH

Shot on location at Moffatt-Ladd House and Gardens in Portsmouth NH.

Number of shooting days: 1

Camera Used: Canon 5D Mk II

Editing software: Adobe Premiere

Budget: $5k

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