The Sisters

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An intimate portrait documentary about a woman who runs an antique shop in downtown Boston.

Film Details

Director: Guangya Zeng

Year of Release: 2016

Running Time: 10:57

New England Connection: Guangya Zeng is currently pursuing an MFA in Media Art at Emerson College in Boston.

Director(s) Bio:: Guangya Zeng is a painter and filmmaker from China. She grew up in Hukou, a small city in Jiangxi, and followed her father's footsteps in wanting to study painting and film. She has a BA in Drama, Film and Television Art Design from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute of China. Since graduating, she has produced a number of film and design projects. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Media Art at Emerson College in Boston. She is interested in documentary and installation art. Her documentary film, The Best Job in the World, was showcased at the 17th Annual Emerson Film Festival, as well as the Bright Lights Series in Boston. Another of Guangya's documentary, The Sisters, was showcased at the 2017 Salem Film Fest and at the It's All True documentary film festival. The Sisters will also be featured in the Lodz Film School Festival in Warsaw, Poland, in the spring of 2017.

Number of shooting days: 10

Camera Used: C100

Editing software: PR

Budget: $500

Financed by: Self-financed, Other