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A hot-headed adoptee is relocated into an abusive home that won’t let her go. She befriends the girl already living at the home and they attempt to escape together.

Film Details

Director: Sean Han

Writer: Sean Han

Year of Release: 2016

Running Time: 15 min

New England Connection: Sean has attended middle school at Brown middle school and high school at Newton South.

Director(s) Bio:: Sean Han graduated with a BA in film and television at Tisch school of Arts. From there he has proceeded to work at various positions in film while working on post-production for his own personal project Anastasia. While in school he finished two experimental short films ( and recently has finished his most recent narrative, Anastasia. Sean is currently looking to make his first feature film back in New York City. You can contact him through his facebook at with any questions or comments.

Number of shooting days: 3

Camera Used: FS-100

Editing software: Avid

Budget: 6000

Financed by: Other


Film Trailer: