A Descending Man

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An experimental undergraduate thesis film, A Descending Man is the story of a man in a turbulent relationship who must decide between mutual infidelity and a true chance at love, or misplaced loyalty and unhappiness.

Film Details

Director: Geoffrey King

Writer: Geoffrey King

Year of Release: 2012

Running Time: 9.45

New England Connection: Geoffrey King, the writer/director of A Descending Man, and Gabriel King, who plays Nathan, were raised in Hudson, Massachusetts. Brittany Iles, who plays Margot, was born in Granby, Massachusetts and attended high school in Hudson, MA. Both Brittany Iles and Geoffrey King attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst during their undergraduate careers.

Director(s) Bio:: Geoffrey King's filmmaking roots began in photography where his propensity to stage dramatic scenes led to experimentation in narrative filmmaking. With a degree in art from the University of Massachusetts, King has written and directed six short films over the last three years. A Descending Man, was produced as his undergraduate thesis film.

Number of shooting days: 9

Camera Used: Nikon D3100

Editing software: Final Cut Pro 7

Financed by: Self-financed