December Thaw

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A wintry dawn edges out the blizzard of the night. A tired, frantic father on the phone, searching everywhere, fearing the worst. Headlights. A car pulls up. A girl emerges. She weaves her way to the door. In December Thaw, a fight between a single dad and his teen daughter threatens the seasonal quest that represents their close bond.

Film Details

Director: Ken Murphy

Year of Release: 2009

Running Time: 6

New England Connection: Ken was born in Braintree, Massachuetts just south of Boston. He currently lives in Fairfield, CT. December Thaw was filmed in a quintessential New England setting - the Maple Row Christmas Tree Farm of Easton, CT.

Director(s) Bio:: Ken Murphy is a first-time filmmaker, following an extensive career in the corporate world. Ken is currently pursuing an MFA in FIlm at Columbia University's School of the Arts in New York CIty. He lives in Fairfield, CT with his wife, Ginny.