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The Lake of Simon (2015)

Amelia Harris and David Trevane used to be a couple, after they had
been friends for years, David, Simon, Amelia and Jo Strong. Jo has a
homophobic evil dad and she is really tall and kids tease her all the
time and she's been heavily bullied. David's mother is also abusive
and his dad has a job that keeps him away a lot. Amelia puts
everyone's problems on her own shoulders to avoid her own feelings.
Truth is, her parent's divorce hurt her, but she distracts herself by
befriending troubled people. When Simon commits suicide in front of
them all she breaks up with David and avoids Jo because the pain is
too much. She comes back eventually but now Jo is a little crazier
than before, and taller, too. David has had his heart broken by the
beautiful and evil Tara Hewitt, who enjoys dating unstable boys
because they feed her own ego. Her mother left her father and she
hates her for it, but takes it out on the boys.

Director: Neal Desrochers

Writer: Neal Desrochers

Cast: Kate Farrell, Dev Lachapelle, Lindsey Barstow, Demitra Papadinis, Genevieve Skehan

Production Company: Neal Desrochers Productions

Filming Locations: Sharon, Boston

Budget: 1500