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Rod Price, A Passion for the Blues (2000)

Breaking from the 'MTV / VH1' exploitation format, this production is a personalized study of, and by Rod Price, former lead guitarist for the power blues band 'Foghat' and his work to record a roots based album with a pre-'Foghat' former band mate and blues vocalist/harp player Graham 'Shaky Vic' Vicory. Extensive interviews with the performers and use of Rod's personal collection of pictures and clippings from the 60s and 70s will place the viewer in a better position to understand Rod's attraction and commitment to Chicago blues. Plus, it investigates Rod's personal experience with some of its masters both in the USA and UK, and explores how and why a major musical idiom had to migrate to England to gain wide spread acceptance. Included will be live peformance and in-studio footage shot at various locations around New England and New York State.

Director: Dan Lesser & Rod Price

Producer: Studio 21M, Inquiries can be made at 978-834-0500