Liberty and Justice: A Cautionary Tale in the Land of the Free

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What happens when a pair of lost citizens wander in the deep dark woods in search of a leader? In this satirical take of the traditional folktale, “Hansel and Gretel”, the wordless story follows protagonists Liberty and Justice as they negotiate the challenges of today’s unique political landscape, while being shadowed by a persistent Twitter bird.

Film Details

Director: Salley Mavor and Rob Goldsborough

Writer: Salley Mavor and Rob Goldsborough

Year of Release: 2018

Running Time: 13 min. 30 sec.

New England Connection: Salley Mavor and Rob Goldsborough live and work in Falmouth, Massachusetts.

Director(s) Bio:: Salley Mavor’s love of sewing little things led to a 40-year career in visual storytelling, illustration, and design. A needle is her tool, the thread is her medium, and stitches are her mark. She is an award-winning children’s book illustrator, fiber artist, and author who is branching out into animation. Her artwork combines sculptural embroidery, dolls and found objects, making 3-dimensional miniature worlds that are photographed and reproduced in picture books. In addition to illustrating, Salley creates tableaus in bas-relief, using her unique blend of materials and sewing techniques. The original pieces are displayed in shadowbox frames and shown in museums and galleries across America. Ms. Mavor a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design.

Salley and her husband Rob Goldsborough have recently combined their artistic and technical talents to make stop-motion animated films. Rob, a retired engineer, has had a life-long interest in photography. He offers his knowledge and expertise in filming, lighting, and computers and Salley makes the puppets, props and sets, which she animates. They spent a good part of a year filming Liberty and Justice in the basement of their home and plan to collaborate on more animation projects in the future.

Number of shooting days: 150

Camera Used: Cannon 60D

Editing software: Dragonframe, Photoshop

Budget: $8,000.00

Financed by: Self-financed

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