The Edge

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Sharks have fascinated Joe Romeiro since childhood. He learned to dive as a tool to experience the power and mystery of sharks first hand. Joe wants to use their experiences to help show others that many species of sharks are threatened, and some even face extinction. He portrays sharks the way they see them, as beautiful and awe inspiring creatures that are an important and critical element of our oceans eco-system.

Film Details

Director: Carlos Toro

Year of Release: 2016

Running Time: 4 minutes 50 seconds

New England Connection: Steer Digital media is based in Providence, Rhode Island.

Director(s) Bio:: Carlos Toro is a Director / Producer based in Providence, RI. He recently Directed / Produced "Shark Vortex" for the Discovery Channel's 2017 Shark Week programming.

Number of shooting days: 3

Camera Used: A7Sii, RE

Editing software: Premiere

Budget: N/A

Financed by: Self-financed

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