Hustler of Providence

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A short documentary film retelling the tragic life events of HIV activist and former sex worker Richard Holcomb, and how he uses those events to inspire others today.

Film Details

Director: Johnathan Paul

Writer: David Goodman, Johnathan Paul

Year of Release: 2015

Running Time: 19:26

New England Connection: The events of Hustler of Providence take place in Providence, Rhode Island as well as Boston, Massachusetts. Rich Holcomb and other at Project Weber were sex workers on the streets of both cities.

Director(s) Bio:: Johnathan Paul is a writer, director, and producer based in Dallas, Texas. Before becoming a full-time filmmaker he worked as a professional illustrator and concept artist. When he is not overseeing productions through his company Datalus Pictures he teaches film studies at the University of North Texas.

Number of shooting days: 2

Camera Used: RED Scarlet

Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro

Budget: 10,000

Financed by: Production Company

For more information:

@2015. Datalus Pictures


@2015. Datalus Pictures.


@2015. Datalus Pictures.


Film Trailer: