The Road to Sainte-Mere-Eglise

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1944 in France. Two lost, American soldiers search for the rest of their unit.

Film Details

Director: Benjamin Kramer

Writer: Benjamin Kramer

Year of Release: 2015

Running Time: 10:30

New England Connection: Benjamin Kramer was born and raised in Boston and attended the Belmont Hill School before matriculating to Middlebury College in Vermont.

The entire cast and crew of this project was made up of undergraduate Middlebury students.

Director(s) Bio:: Benjamin Kramer was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. He attended Middlebury College in Vermont. This is where he finally found a chance to start making movies. His experiences have been varied from producing documentaries in New York with Trio Pictures and Question Why Films to development work at Voltage Pictures in Los Angeles. This fall he joined the class of '17 Peter Stark Producing Program at USC where he will earn his Masters.

Other interests include writing, ice hockey, traveling, swimming, reading and running.

Number of shooting days: 4

Camera Used: Sony FS100

Editing software: Premiere Pro

Budget: ~ $1,000

Financed by: Self-financed