Native Boy

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A boy goes on a quest to capture the sun.

Film Details

Director: Henry Roosevelt

Year of Release: 2013

Running Time: 18

New England Connection: A majority of the film was shot on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee, NH. Clay Story, the boy, and Henry Roosevelt both attended a summer camp, Camp Tecumseh. Henry was up visiting in 2012, discovered Clay in the dining hall-- and began filming test footage on his new camera (Red Epic) . After a few weeks of filming -- the story for Native Boy began to take form. Several Councelors, including the fireman- were actors as well.

Director(s) Bio:: Henry Roosevelt is the Founder of Native Boy Films and has made several short films, including One-eyed Rooster Fighter, Couch Jumper, Expert Arrowhead Hunter, All-Knowing Big Brother, Transporter of Extra-Terrestrials, Avid Eater of Fried Flounder, and Storyteller.

Camera Used: Red Epic

Financed by: Self-financed

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