Le Blue Stella

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Captain Eric Summers and Ambassador to Alien Life Forms Alex Tucker-Greene are the crew of Le Blue Stella, the most amazing vessel to drift above the earth’s atmosphere since the Apollo missions. What seems to be a simple adventure on the surface shows it has a deeper and more heartfelt connection to the real world. Above all, this is about their friendship.

Film Details

Director: Peter Ferris Rosati

Writer: Peter Ferris Rosati

Year of Release: 2013

Running Time: 15

New England Connection: Peter Rosati, Nicole Nelson-Campos (voice of computer), and Chris Battaglia (sound design) are currently seniors at Emerson College. Jacob Rosati (composer) is a Northeastern Graduate and current Boston musician in under the name Skinny Bones. They make killer electronic folk music.

Director(s) Bio:: Peter is a writer, director, & storyteller from Pittsburgh, PA. He runs a summer film camp (petersfilmcamp.com), writes & illustrates children's books, and is a firm believer in the power of hot glue and papier mache. His newest film, The Whistler, will be released later this year.
Peter's tells adventures of friendship, imagination, love, & bravery.

Number of shooting days: 5

Camera Used: Canon 5D

Editing software: Final Cut Pro

Budget: 1500

For more information: vimeo.com/peterrosati