A Date With Your Family

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How to have the perfect dinner with your family… A short comedy from the award-winning team of Richard Griffin and Jennifer Scharf.

Film Details

Director: Richard Griffin

Writer: Richard Griffin and Jennifer Scharf

Year of Release: 2013

Running Time: 12

New England Connection: Director Richard Griffin was born in Providence, Rhode Island.
Writer Jennifer Scharf received her MFA in Media and Visual Arts from Emerson College.
All cast and crew live and work in New England.

Director(s) Bio:: Richard Griffin was born in Providence, Rhode Island in 1970. In 1989 he started working in local television, producing everything from television commercials to an award-winning magazine program titled Rhode Trip. After retiring from television in 2004, he started the film production company Scorpio Film Releasing with his partner Ted Marr. Since then they have produced over 13 feature-length movies, all of which have received worldwide distribution, and have been winning awards from film festivals around the globe.

For more information: http://scorpiofilmreleasing.net/