An Occurrence On the Pier

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A glimpse into the mind and the thoughts that rush through it as a decision is made.

Film Details

Director: Jake Haehnel

Writer: Alan Haehnel and Jake Haehnel

Year of Release: 2011

Running Time: 7

New England Connection: The two boys of the cast, father and son (in reality and in story) were born and raised in New England. Erika Leigh Wetzel, the girlfriend, grew up in Florida and moved to New England before 6th grade. She has lived in VT since then and is now attending UVM in Burlington.

Director(s) Bio:: Alan Haehnel has been making short films since the camera was bigger than he was. He has worked as head of onset art department for A Brief Reunion, a feature-length film shot in Lyme, NH and directed by John Dashbach. He has created five of his own short films, one of which, An Occurrence on the Pier, was awarded the prize for best film at the 48 Hour Slam at the Green Mountain Film Festival and was awarded $1,781. He has worked for companies such as Acuvue, Yamaha, Dell and Stauffer's Animal crackers creating short online vignettes promoting various new products. He will be attending the Movies From Marlboro program in the spring, which is being run by director Jay Craven.