A Work In Progress

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A Work In Progress is a short experimental film that illustrates one way of understanding how life works, through knitting. In this film, the needles never stop knitting, motions never cease, and the most important people never truly leave. Scenes and sounds from a classic French film put you in a state of nostalgia no matter what year you were born. Yet it’s the unmistakable scratch of super 8 home movies fused with intimate and far away views of the knitter that stitch together the idea that our lives begin way before we know and will always be “a work in progress.”

Film Details

Director: Sarah Ginsburg

Year of Release: 2008

Running Time: 5

New England Connection: Sarah will be living in Cambridge, Massachusetts this year as she attends Emerson College.

Director(s) Bio:: As a film major at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, Sarah Ginsburg has taken advantage of the resources and atmosphere that are now in her reach. Filmmaking became her passion as she made all of her high school’s videos and attended a summer film institute at Stephens College in her hometown of Columbia, Missouri. Sarah’s main interest has been documentary filmmaking, yet she wants more exposure and experience with other genres as well. A Work In Progress is Sarah’s first time molding together experimental, documentary, and music video characteristics all into one short film that expresses her ideas on how life works.